We Support Caregiver's Logo embodies the very essence of self-care. We believe the best care is Self-care. Caregivers who focus on developing their physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and social well-being, ultimately can become the best version of themselves. We believe Self-care is Self-Love. The way caregivers take care of themselves is a reflection of the Love they have for themselves and will ultimately impact how they Love others. Self-care is Healthcare! We believe the more caregivers cultivate and focus on self-care development, doing so can influence them to become more healthier and live healthier lives. Each color in our logo represents one of the main areas of self-care that we continue to encourage and empower caregivers to cultivate and focus on daily.
*The "Star" shape of the logo represents the human body.
Physical Self-care (Red): Engaging in activities that improves and maintains the health of one's body.
Spiritual Self-care (Purple): Engaging in activities that cultivates and improve the spiritual condition of an individual.
Mental Self-care (Aqua Blue): Engaging in activities to maintain or improve the condition of one's mental health.
Social Self-care (Yellow): Engaging is activities to maintain and improve the social health of an individual.
Emotional Self-care (Black) Engaging in activities that maintains or improve the condition of one's emotional health.
Other areas of Self-care:
Financial Self-care: (Financial Awareness) The ability to financially take care of one's self without the dependency of another person. Knowing and understanding how your money is being used and where it is going.
Intellectual Self-care: Engaging in activities to stimulate one's sense of understanding, learning, and curiosity.
Professional Self-care: Engaging in activities to maintain a work life balance.
Environmental Self-care: Engaging in activities to maintain and to improve one's personal space.